Overseas Chinese History Museum
Bangkok – Police General Torsak Sukwimol, Deputy National Police Chief, was assigned to lead the Royal Thai Police officials to supervise the official arrangement of entertainment venues across the country.
The deputy chief revealed on Friday, October 28th, that he was assigned by Commissioner Damrongsak Kittipraphat to monitor entertainment venues and nightclubs nationwide to see whether they have properly and strictly complied by the law.
According to the law, the venues or similar establishments must not allow children under 20 years of age to use the service, not open later than 2:00 AM., and not allow any weapons, explosives, and drugs into the service facility. The police must also monitor that no gambling, prostitution, and human trafficking are discreetly provided in the establishments.
If violating, their establishment license will be revoked by the relevant authorities or their establishment will be ordered closed for the maximum time of five years. If found to be repeating the offense, the owner could face one-year imprisonment, deputy chief Torsak added.
密码保护:The Pattaya News Company
Yannawa District Superintendent removed from his position following major raid of Chinese-owned illegal nightclub in Bangkok on Wednesday
Bangkok – Police Colonel Thanachot Rerkdee was removed from his position as the Yannawa police chief for reportedly accepting bribery and allowing the operation of an illegal entertainment venue in the Yannawa district of Bangkok.
The raid of the illegal nightclub located inside three adjacent buildings was conducted around 3:30 AM. on Wednesday, October 26th, arresting a total of 237 Chinese customers.
About 104 of customers, 99 of which were Chinese nationals, were also tested positive for drug use. About 29 people of Thai, Georgian, Cambodian, Vietnamese, and tribal nationalities were also detained, Police Major General Theeradet Thamsuthee, Investigation Chief at the Metropolitan Police Bureau, told the Associated Press.
According to the initial investigation, the nightclub was owned by a Chinese national and had been operated for about two months, mainly serving Chinese customers. The illegal operation was allegedly acknowledged by district police chief Thanachot who was believed to receive bribery from the bar owner.
Therefore, Police Major General Nakarin Sukonthawit, Commander of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Division 6, had given an order to removed the Superintendent of Yannawa district from such position and perform duties as assigned by the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Division 6, effective immediately until further notice.
二十世纪中叶以前在新马服务的巴素,是东南亚华人史的权威学者。他在《一个马来亚官员的回忆录》(Victor Purcell. The Memoirs of A Malayan Official)一书内,对当时槟榔屿华人与华人社会问题,有颇多描述。
Recently, 24 Malaysian job scam victims in Cambodia were rescued and returned to Malaysia by Foreign Minister, Saifuddin Abdullah. However, this raised further concerns because there are an estimated 1,000 Malaysian victims who are still stuck overseas.
These scams work by offering high salaries and other attractive perks, with victims being forced to work against their will or trafficked into neighboring countries once they’ve arrived into the clutches of the syndicate. In short, that overseas dream job would soon become a living nightmare.
But if you thought the trafficking and forcing to work was bad enough, it actually gets much worse; with stories of beatings, deaths, and human cattle-like conditions coming to light…
Malaysian Chinese Cultural Society
华工出洋在鸦片战争(1842)后的一百年始达到高潮。以现今新马一带为例,从1800 年到1940 年,海峡殖民地和马来联邦入境华工累计上百万人次,而这些移民大多数均来自于东南沿海省份的劳动人民。他们绝大多数来自粤东潮州、惠州等地和珠江三角洲各县、海南岛,少数来自闽南八县。