「Zhongqiang Chen 2024.11.8」紐約地鐵月台爭執動刀 華男刺死他人被控二級謀殺

Suspected Coney Island subway stabber arrested and charged with murder, police say

Police arrested a man for a fatal stabbing on a Coney Island N train last week.

Zhongqiang Chen, 32, was taken into custody around 7 p.m. Thursday for allegedly stabbing and killing 54-year-old Timothy Rudolph, who was riding the subway at around 11:30 p.m. when he was attacked after an argument, police said.

NYPD officials said Chen was homeless, the men were strangers to each other and the motive for the stabbing was still unclear.

Officers found Rudolph with a stab wound to his back, sitting on the corner seat of the N train at the Coney Island Stillwell Avenue subway station. He was pronounced dead at NYU Langone Hospital – Brooklyn. Police said he lived in the Bronx.

Chen was charged with second-degree murder and was awaiting arraignment Friday in Brooklyn Criminal Court.

Information for his lawyer was not immediately available.

紐約地鐵月台爭執動刀 華男刺死他人被控二級謀殺

上月29日發生在布碌崙(布魯克林)康尼島(Coney Island)地鐵站的命案,警方於本周四(7日)公布逮捕涉案的32歲華裔男子陳忠強(Zhongqiang Chen,以下皆為音譯),並控其二級謀殺與非法持有武器罪。

根據警方說法,29日晚間11時半,54歲的魯道夫(Timothy Rudolph)在康尼島史迪威大道站(Stillwell Avenue station)南向月台與陳忠強發生爭執,陳男以刀子刺傷魯道夫的背部和大腿,魯道夫在傷重之際走向一台停靠月台的地鐵車廂,最終倒臥不起。魯道夫被警急送至紐約大學朗格尼醫院,於午夜宣告死亡。

警方於7日晚間7時逮捕陳男並控其二級謀殺,並表示死者來自布朗士區,陳男則是一名遊民,兩人互不相識。警方尚未釐清陳男犯案動機,只表示該男子被控二級謀殺罪與四級非法持有武器罪(Criminal Possession of a Weapon),他週五在布碌崙刑事法院等待過堂。


MTA主席兼執行長利博(Janno Lieber)則認為整體趨勢更為重要,他表示歷史數據可看出犯罪率正在下降,而MTA也在持續努力改善。利博指出,車站與車廂內的監視器正在協助解決和阻止犯罪。



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