Overseas Chinese History Museum

『Lili Xu, 2024.7.30』
Man gets 15-to-life in prison for murder of Oakland dentist Lili Xu

Man gets 15-to-life in prison for murder of Oakland dentist Lili Xu

A man who admitted to killing Oakland dentist Lili Xu in 2022 received 15 years to life in prison on Tuesday, the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office announced. Hasheem Bason, 35, of Stockton, pled guilty to second-degree murder for his involvement in a murder-for-hire plot.

Xu, 60, was getting out of her car on the 1000 block of 5th Avenue on Aug. 21, 2022, when she was fatally shot. Bason and 73-year-old Nelson Chia were arrested in connection with the murder.

Chia, who was Xu’s partner at the time of her death, later killed himself in prison while he was in a single-person holding cell.

Price’s office shared more information on Tuesday about how the murder plot unfolded and how Chia and Bason developed a relationship.

Before Xu was killed, Chia was attempting to take control of her “sizable” assets, according to the DA’s office. He also cheated on Xu in the months before her murder.

“Further investigation uncovered evidence of Mr. Chia openly discussing how he could capitalize on Dr. Xu’s death,” Price’s office wrote.

Bason was described by the DA’s office as “one of the participants in Chia’s scheme.” They first met each other years earlier.

Chia developed an “inappropriate exploitative relationship” with Bason when Bason was younger. He found Bason again years later and threatened to reveal secrets from his youth if he did not help him murder Xu.

After the crime was committed, Chia held a banquet in Xu’s honor in an apparent attempt to raise money for his own foundation. He played the part of a grieving partner but was later arrested for his involvement in the murder, along with Bason.

“The public should know that the person who truly deserves the maximum punishment under the law is Nelson Chia, the mastermind of this horrible crime,” Price said.

Price was asked about Xu’s son reportedly being upset with the plea deal. She said she considered the unique dynamics of Bason and Chia’s relationship when determining punishment.

“In this case, we learned extreme mitigating circumstances that had to be considered in resolving this case against Mr. Bason,” she said.

Gunman in murder-for-hire of Oakland dentist gets 15-years-to-life in prison

A Stockton man was sentenced to 15 years to life in state prison for a fatal shooting of a dentist in Oakland in 2022, according to Alameda County prosecutors.

Hasheem Bason, 35, submitted a no contest plea to second-degree murder for the deadly shooting of Dr. Lili Xu on Aug. 21, 2022 in the 1000 block of Fifth Avenue in the city’s Little Saigon neighborhood, the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office said in a statement Tuesday.

Authorities said that Xu’s murder was planned by her romantic partner, Nelson Chia.

“The month before she was killed, Dr. Xu discovered that Mr. Chia was involved in multiple acts of infidelity while he was simultaneously trying to take control of her sizable assets. Further investigation uncovered evidence of Mr. Chia openly discussing how he could capitalize on Dr. Xu’s death,” prosecutors said.

The District Attorney’s Office noted that video evidence showed Chia held a banquet in Xu’s honor and tried to raise money for his own foundation, playing the role of a grieving partner even though he was the mastermind of her death.

According to investigators, Bason was a vulnerable youth when he and Chia had allegedly established an inappropriate exploitative relationship. Chia had allegedly tracked Bason down and threatened to reveal the secrets of his youth unless Bason helped him in killing Xu.

“The shooting death of popular dentist Lili Xu traumatized our entire community. In this case, we learned extreme mitigating circumstances that had to be considered in resolving the case against Mr. Bason,” District Attorney Pamela Price said in a statement.

Price added, “The public should know that the person who truly deserves the maximum punishment under the law is Nelson Chia, the mastermind of this horrible crime. Unfortunately, when the true facts were discovered, Chia, who was arrested for the crime, took his own life to avoid facing justice for his role in these acts of evil. Although Hasheem Bason was not the person who made the plan to take the life of Lili Xu, he did, in fact, pull the trigger of the gun that killed her, and for that, he will go to prison for 15 years to life.”

Bason is scheduled to appear in court for his sentencing on Aug. 20.

【灣區新聞】奧克蘭華裔牙醫徐麗麗遭男友買兇殺害案 槍手被判15年至終身監禁刑期


Alameda縣地檢處發布消息表示,法庭判35歲的Hasheem Bason監禁15年至終身監禁,Bason對2022年8月21日槍殺徐麗麗的二級謀殺罪名提出不抗辯。

案發當日,徐麗麗與男友Nelson Chia到奧克蘭小西貢打算做按摩,徐麗麗下車後被槍殺,警方原以為是企圖搶劫案,但調查期間翻看閉路電視片段發現有疑點,最後斷定為買兇殺人案,拘捕涉嫌策劃此案的Nelson Chia及槍手Hasheem Bason,Chia被捕後在監獄裡面自殺。





Alameda縣地檢官Pamela Price表示,徐麗麗被槍殺,對整個社區造成創傷,而地檢處也考慮到Bason過去的經歷。



EXCLUSIVE: Son of Oakland murder-for-hire suspect describes father as ‘master manipulator’
Nelson Chia’s estranged son described his father as a man with sociopathic tendencies and incapable of empathy.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — ABC7 News is learning stunning new details about one of the men suspected in a murder-for-hire plot to kill his longtime girlfriend. Last Friday, 73-year-old Nelson Chia died by suicide after being arrested for murder along with 33-year-old Hasheem Bason in a plot to kill Lili Xu outside a Little Saigon massage parlor in Oakland.

The tears Chia shed when he sat down with ABC7 News anchor Dion Lim for an interview in August did not feel authentic to his estranged son Byron in the least.

This is Lili Xu. She just celebrated her 60th birthday a couple weeks ago.
Her longtime partner told me they were about to get a massage in Little Saigon yesterday afternoon.
They never made it to the appointment. She was shot multiple times and killed outside.
4:16 AM · Aug 23, 2022 Twitter
Friends of Lili Xu, a beloved East Bay dentist, called for leaders to bring the people responsible for her Oakland shooting death to justice.

“That was one of his best manipulations. To put on those theatrics. When I watched that it reminded me of things he did his whole life, which is to manipulate people,” said Byron.

On Friday, Oct. 28, just hours after Chia and 35-year-old Bason were arrested, Chia died by suicide in his holding cell at the Santa Rita jail.

“I didn’t have any sadness or emotions over my father’s passing. For me, it’s like having a huge ominous monkey off my back,” says Byron, who was alerted to the murder and his father’s death by a high school friend he had not spoken to in years.

Byron, who does not use his father’s last name and has been estranged from Chia for years, describes a tumultuous childhood, filled with abuse. One instance involved a time in 6th grade when his father did not want him to speak to his middle school girlfriend on the phone.

“He grabbed the phone off the wall and threw it, it cracked my nose and it was bleeding everywhere,” said Byron. He says it was his father’s narcissism that broke their family apart.

“He had a lot of other companions. Female companions,” said Byron. He even recounted the time he and his brother were on a trip to Tahoe with his father and a blonde woman who was not his mother.

Byron describes his father as a man with sociopathic tendencies and incapable of empathy.

“He liked to see in movies or real life people or animals suffering,” said Byron.

Melissa Williams and her mother worked for Chia at a financial consulting company in the 90s. She describes Chia as a good man but with two sides.

“Charismatic and a businessman. He was a talker, a persuaded… and was able to form relationships,” says Williams via Zoom from Sacramento.

His downfall was one of his passions.

“He had a love and need for money, that’s what drove him to where he ended. If you don’t have compassion or a conscious then there is no limit,” said Williams.

That lack of compassion was perhaps exemplified in a fundraiser memorial Chia held in Lili’s memory and a video of him singing karaoke at her funeral.

There are a number of karaoke videos on YouTube, showing Chia at various events, dressed in formalwear. Law enforcement sources tell ABC7 that Chia most likely met Bason while singing karaoke.

Court documents show Xu’s estimated net worth, at around $12 million to $14 million. Law enforcement sources say wiretapping revealed Chia’s discussions with Bason and his role in the murder-for-hire plot.

Bason was arraigned Tuesday and will not enter a plea until Nov. 15. He remains in jail.

Source: Boyfriend arrested in murder-for-hire killing of East Bay dentist dies by suicide in jail
Saturday, October 29, 2022

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) — On Friday afternoon, law enforcement sources confirmed that 73-year-old Nelson Chia — longtime boyfriend of Doctor Lili Xu’s who was shot and killed in August — died by suicide around 2 p.m.

Chia was one of the suspects arrested in what the Oakland Police Officers’ Association is calling a “murder-for-hire.” He was arrested just hours before his death.

The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office said that Chia was assigned to a single-person holding cell while he awaited further processing and assignment to a housing unit. When deputies conducted a routine observation check of Chia, they noticed he was motionless and unresponsive.

“Jail medical staff and emergency medical responders immediately began life-saving measures but unfortunately, their efforts were unsuccessful. It appears Chia took his own life in the single-occupant holding cell. There are no indications of foul play or any other suspicious activities,” said the sheriff’s office in a statement.

The agency said detectives responded to the jail and have begun a thorough investigation, along with the Coroner’s Bureau and the Alameda County district attorney.

Investigators allege that Xu was killed for money during a news conference on Friday.

“This case was not about race! This case was about greed,” said Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong in a statement. “Some tried to use this case as a way of dividing our community. My hope is we can come together and support Xu’s family and our community, who have all experienced this tragedy.”

The other suspect has been identified as 33-year-old Hasheem Bason of Stockton. Hasheem Bason may face life in prison without parole or the death penalty if convicted of the offenses that may be charged. He and Chia were expected to be charged with murder, among other offenses.

Xu was shot and killed in August in the city’s Little Saigon neighborhood, near Lake Merritt. Initially, investigators said the shooting was a robbery.

Armstrong said while Xu was exiting her parked vehicle, an older white, four-door Lexus pulled up, and an unknown individual exited the vehicle. The man fired multiple rounds, fatally striking Xu. Unfortunately, she died at a local hospital.

OPD said that over the last two months, homicide investigators worked tirelessly and diligently on the case, following up on tips from the community and exploring all investigative leads.

During the investigation, OPD uncovered evidence supporting the arrest of Chia, in what appears to be murder for hire, and Bason for his involvement in this heinous crime.

Before Chia was considered a suspect in the case he sat down for inclusive interview with ABC7 News anchor Dion Lim. During that conversation, Chia nearly collapsed after seeing the surveillance video of Xu’s killing where the sounds of her screams and gunshots could be heard.

On Friday, those close to Xu told ABC7 News that they had suspected something was off with Chia but gave him the benefit of the doubt because of his tear-filled interview with Lim.

EXCLUSIVE: Longtime partner of East Bay dentist shot, killed in Oakland shares heartbreaking story
Xu’s partner nearly collapsed after seeing the surveillance video- the sounds of her screams and gunshots was just too much.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) — Friends of Lili Xu, a beloved and highly-skilled dentist in Oakland and Castro Valley, shared their pain and called for local leaders to bring the people responsible for her death to justice.

Nelson Chia has been partners with Lili for more than a decade and had a deep and special bond. An immigrant from China, Lili blossomed into a highly accomplished and beloved dentist, with a practice in Oakland’s Chinatown and in Castro Valley.

“Literally all of her business came from referral after referral after referral because people trusted her and her work,” said Nelson through a flurry of tears.

While the details are hazy in his mind, Nelson says he just remembers a blur of activity just after 2 p.m. Surveillance shows what OPD describe as an older model Lexus sedan pull up to where Nelson and Lili were parked. Her screams can be heard before multiple gunshots ring out.

“When I got out of the car and started maneuvering between the back door and the trunk I heard two of three bang, bang, bangs. All of a sudden there was a flash. I ran around the side of the car and she was on the ground. She was semi-conscious and not really able to respond.”

Nelson says Lili was hit twice in the back. Nothing was taken. Those five seconds, changed his life forever.

He held Lili in his arms until the ambulance arrived. Later that evening, she was pronounced dead at the hospital.

The Little Saigon and Oakland community’s anger and frustration boiled over at a rally Monday afternoon.

Lili’s wide group of friends who just celebrated her 60th birthday earlier this month attended today’s rally and made a call for action.

“Find the killer and save the people here, also the Asian people here, to stay safe,” said her best friend.

Another close friend echoed the same sentiment.

“We want justice, we want safety for people, we want to live in a place where your friends and family will be safe.”

They don’t believe this was an attempted robbery as reported by Oakland police. But an example of the pandemic of hate.

Nelson’s sister recalls some of the previous news coverage of Asian Americans being attacked.

“So many Asians are being killed, we’ve got to do something to prevent more killing,” she said. This includes the killing of Uber driver Patrick Fung in July. He was gunned down in front of his girlfriend’s home not far from Little Saigon.

On Monday night, people gathered near the spot on Fifth Avenue where Lili Xu was murdered.

Surveillance video showing the incident unfolding, and Xu’s life being taken away with the sound of three gunshots.

Xu was a local dentist and ballet student, an active and beloved member in her community.

“She’s very kind. Very loving. And very passionate for life, for everything,” said Eve Zhang.

Zhang was one of her patients as well as her dance instructor.

She came to pay her respects to her friend of many years. She says she’s still in shock.

“Immediately I was just tearing. I was crying. I made a lunch, I couldn’t eat,” Zhang said.

Several Oakland city council members were present at Monday’s vigil.

With two murders and countless robberies occurring in the area in the span of just a couple of weeks, ABC7 News asked what tangible steps they’re taking to put an end to the violence.

Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas telling us, she believes the solutions have to be multi-faceted.

“We have to get guns off the streets. One of the other things that I think is really important is that the police need to focus on solving these crimes,” she said.

But until relief comes, many in the local community will continue to live in fear.

Unsure of how to finally stop the violence.

“They want to have a normal life. They can’t walk down the street, they can’t go anywhere without the fear,” Zhang said.

Nelson addressed the violence in his once beloved hometown.

“I’ve always tried to sell people on the fact that Oakland is okay. And I realize that story is more difficult to swallow as each year goes by.”