『Yixuan Cheng 2024.4.13』
中国学生程艺轩是 4 月 13 日星期六在悉尼邦迪交汇处被刺死的第六人。 程是一名来自中国中部安徽省的27岁经济学学生,在悉尼大学攻读硕士学位。

Tributes paid to Chinese student killed in Sydney stabbing
Posted on Apr 16, 2024

International students and faculty have paid tribute to Chinese student Yixuan Cheng who was identified as the sixth person fatally stabbed in Bondi Junction Sydney on Saturday April 13.

Walkway outside Bondi Junction Westfield shopping centre in Sydney, Australia.
Yixuan Cheng was among five other victims of a stabbing at Bondi Junction shopping centre in Sydney. Photo: Creative Commons.

“Please take time today to check in on each other, this is a deeply distressing time for our community”

Cheng was a 27-year-old economics student from Anhui province in central China, studying a masters degree at the University of Sydney.

“Today the flags at the university quadrangle are flying at half-mast in memory of our student and the other victims of the terrible Bondi Junction tragedy,” vice chancellor Mark Scott wrote to staff and students on April 15.

“On behalf of the university, I extend my sincere condolences to the student’s family and friends … please take time today to check in on each other, this is a deeply distressing time for our community and I encourage you to look after each other and access the support available.”

Cheng was among five other victims – one man and four women – of what police are now investigating as a gender motivated attack.

A further 12 people were injured by Queensland man Joel Cauchi, 40, who was fatally shot by police at the scene.

Cheng had reportedly just finished her university exams and was talking with her fiancé on the phone in Westfield Bondi Junction shopping centre just before she was attacked.

The university’s postgraduate student association said the lives of many would be touched by Cheng’s passing, “and that our grief is shared by the student community”.

A line of flowers and candles spelling out “RIP” were left by University of Sydney staff and students outside their great hall in memory of Cheng, reported the Sydney Moring Herald.

One of those injured on Saturday was a nine-month-old infant whose mother was killed in the attack and who was said to be in a critical but stable condition in hospital on April 15.

Videos circulating online have shown Cauchi avoiding men and targeting women and children.

“It’s obvious to me, obvious to detectives that seems to be an area of interest – that the offender had focused on women and avoided the men,” said New South Wales police commissioner Karen Webb.

“It’s obvious to me that the offender had focused on women and avoided the men”

Another Chinese student who has not been named was reportedly among the injured.

“We extend our deep condolences to the victims and our heartfelt sympathies to their families, and wish early recovery to the injured,” a spokesperson from the Chinese embassy in Canberra said.

“We will continue to maintain close communication with the Australian side and do our utmost to provide necessary assistance to the families of the Chinese victims.”

It is understood that the families of Cheng and her fiancé were flown to Sydney after hearing the news.

NSW premier Chris Minns announced $18 million for a coroner’s investigation into the attack. By the morning of April 15, more than 50 witnesses had come forward.

From July 2022 – March 2023, more than 71,600 Chinese students were granted an Australian visa, 42% of whom studied in New South Wales, according to ApplyBoard.

Regional government body Study NSW sent its condolences to the education community, “the families and friends of all who lost their lives, those who were injured, and the courageous first responders”.

It has sent up an online Bondi Junction condolence book for people to share messages and is providing support services for those affected.

悉尼邦岱购物中心血案 一中国公民遇难

发生在4月13日在悉尼邦岱交界口(Bondi Junction)Westfield购物中心的持刀行凶案中,一名中国公民被确认为第六名死者。

上周六下午,40岁男子考奇(Joel Cauchi)持刀在悉尼东区繁华的购物中心持刀捅死6人,捅伤多人。

澳洲总理阿尔巴尼斯确认在这次刺杀事件中, 27岁的中国公民程依萱 (Yixuan Cheng,音译)不幸身亡。

据9号电视台新闻网周一(4月15日)报导,该台记者斯图尔特(Sarah Stewart)说:“不幸的是,她在澳洲没有任何亲人。”





据《悉尼晨锋报》报导,已确认的前五名受害者分别是38岁的整骨医生Ashlee Good,她9个月大的女儿目前在重症监护室接受治疗,伤势严重,但情况稳定;富翁John Singleton的25岁女儿、一间公司的电子商务助理Dawn Singleton;Bellevue Hill居民、47岁建筑师 Jade Young,她也是两个孩子的母亲; 30岁的巴基斯坦难民Faraz Tahir,他大约一年前抵达澳洲,被刺死时是他第一天在商场做当值保安,及55岁艺术家Pikria Darchia。

38岁初为人母的Ashlee Good在购物中心内遇袭身亡。







经确认,死者为27岁的留学生Yixuan Cheng,此前在社交媒体上,该学生亲友在袭击事件发生后曾多次发文寻人,称其失联。

上周六(4月13日)下午,在昆士兰男子乔尔·考奇(Joel Cauchi)疯狂的刺人暴行中,Yixuan Cheng与其他五人一同遇难。

而就在遇刺前几分钟,Yixuan Cheng还在与男友通话。

九号新闻的记者莎拉·斯图尔特(Sarah Stewart)报道称,程女士“在澳大利亚没有亲人”。












此次暴力事件的其他五名受害者身份已确认,他们是:建筑师及两个孩子的母亲杰德·杨Jade Young、富商约翰·辛格尔顿(John Singleton)之女唐·辛格尔顿(Dawn Singleton)、同样被捅伤的九个月大女婴的母亲阿什莉·古德(Ashlee Good)、55岁的艺术家皮克里娅·达尔基亚(Pikria Darchia),以及此前曾为难民并第一天上班的保安法拉兹·塔希尔(Faraz Tahir)。

Final message and photo Westfield Bondi Junction victim Yixuan Cheng sent to her fiance before she was stabbed to death

A Chinese national has been identified as the sixth person stabbed to death at Westfield Bondi Junction.

Yixuan Cheng, 27, an economics student at the University of Sydney, was killed in the massacre carried out by 40-year-old Queensland man Joel Cauchi on Saturday.

She is the final victim to be pictured and named after mother Ashlee Good, 38, advertising heiress Dawn Singleton, 25, architect Jade Young, 47, artist Pikria Darchia, 55, and security guard Faraz Tahir, 30, were identified over the weekend.

At least 12 more shoppers were wounded – including Ms Good’s nine-month-old baby girl Harriet who is in a serious but stable condition.

Cheng’s parents told Chinese media their daughter was on the phone with her fiance, who is based in China, a few minutes before the tragedy.

She was on the fourth floor of the mall, shopping and sending her boyfriend photos of herself trying on clothes.

After ending the call to his girlfriend, her boyfriend saw the news about the stabbing attack in Sydney.

He immediately called her again, but Ms Cheng didn’t answer. He had been planning to marry her after she graduated this year.

‘She happily talked to me on the phone at around 3 in the afternoon. She even tried on clothes for me to see,’ the fiance, called Mr Wang by a Chinese publication, said.

‘Unexpectedly, after hanging up the phone, a stabbing incident occurred.’

A number of the survivors were discharged from hospital overnight while others remained under monitoring.

Ms Good, who is the daughter of former North Melbourne AFL player and board member Kerry Good, was remembered by her family as a ‘beautiful mother, daughter, sister, partner, friend’ and an ‘all-round outstanding human’.

An emotional North Melbourne coach Alastair Clarkson described her death as a ‘bloody tragedy’ as landmarks in Melbourne were lit on Sunday night in tribute.

‘That poor little girl… without her mum now – she was a beautiful, beautiful lady,’ he told reporters.

Cauchi’s estranged family issued a statement through Queensland police on Sunday, declaring they were devastated by the traumatic events and expressing sorrow for the victims.

Ashlee Good (pictured), died at St Vincent’s hospital on Saturday night after being stabbed
Faraz Tahir, aged 30, tragically lost his life while serving the public as a security guard during this attack. He was a refugee from Pakistan
Dawn Singleton, the 25-year-old daughter of multi-millionaire businessman John Singleton, also lost her life
Jade Young (pictured), from Bellevue Hill, died in the attack
Pikria Darchia (pictured), 55, who describes herself as an artist on LinkedIn and is understood to originally hail from Tbilisi in Georgia, was the fifth victim to be identified

‘Joel’s actions were truly horrific and we are still trying to comprehend what has happened,’ it read.

‘He has battled with mental health issues since he was a teenager.’

They had ‘no issue’ with Inspector Amy Scott shooting their son, saying she was only doing her job to protect others and hoped she was coping.

Shopping centre owner Scentre Group chief executive Elliott Rusanow offered condolences to the family of killed security guard Faraz Tahir.

‘We are devastated by Faraz’s passing and recognise our team member’s bravery and role as a first responder,’ he said.

Another security worker was among the injured taken to hospital.



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