「夏威夷一中国公民被泼化学液体袭击事件 2024.1.26」

Suspect in chemical attack was released on bail in another crime just days prior
Updated: 40 minutes ago(Jan. 27, 2024)

Honolulu police arrest suspect in Ala Moana chemical attack
Jan. 25, 2024
UPDATE: 11:35 p.m.

Honolulu police officers arrested a 29-year-old man Thursday night in the Ala Moana acid attack that left a 25-year-old woman in critical condition.

A Honolulu Police Department summary said a suspect was positively identified during the investigation, and that officers located the man in the Nimitz area just before 9 p.m. and arrested him for suspicion of second-degree attempted murder.

“Charges will be sought with the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney,” HPD said.

On Tuesday night, the victim was walking by the Planet Fitness near Ala Moana Center when a man threw a chemical liquid on her. She was taken to the hospital in critical condition.

中国公民在夏威夷遭泼化学液体 嫌犯已被捕分享到
2024-01-26 15:30




当地媒体报道称,受害者的脸部和身体,包括喉咙和肺部都被烧伤。当地的玛利诺中学(Maryknoll Schools)证实,她是一名来访的中文老师,今年是她参加该校国际交流项目的第二年。

事后,警方在第一时间发布了嫌犯信息和监控视频,嫌犯是一名 20 多岁的男性,身高约 5 英尺 8 英寸,体重 160至180 磅,中等身材。作案时,嫌犯身穿黑色连帽外套、迷彩裤和白色口罩。而案发后不久,嫌犯出现在卡皮奥拉尼大道(Kapiolani Boulevard)上,但是已脱下上衣,背一个黑色背包,并在那里有另一个人递给他一辆自行车,随后,嫌犯骑着自行车向夏威夷会议中心方向行驶。




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