虚拟吴哥 项目 旨在重现公元 1300 年左右高棉帝国权力和影响力鼎盛时期的柬埔寨大都市吴哥 澳大利亚、柬埔寨和美国的考古学家、历史学家和虚拟历史专家之间的开创性合作。它专为课堂而建,旨在将学生带入 3D 世界,让他们无需离开座位即可亲眼目睹著名的浅浮雕,参观销售来自该地区的商品的市场,并观看成千上万的动画人们和游行队伍在建筑群周围流动。重建后的城市使教师能够将学生带入一个身临其境、历史准确的世界,然后以此作为进一步调查的起点。
该项目曾荣获 2019 年美国历史学会 Roy Rosenzweig 数字历史创新奖、2021 年美国中世纪学院数字人文和多媒体研究奖以及 2021 年 QS-Wharton Reimagine Education Awards 金奖。

The Virtual Angkor project aims to recreate the sprawling Cambodian metropolis of Angkor at the height of the Khmer empire’s power and influence around 1300 C.E. A groundbreaking collaboration between Archaeologists, Historians and Virtual History specialists based in Australia, Cambodia and the United States, the project is designed to bring Angkor to life. Built for the classroom, it has been created to take students into a 3D world, allowing them to view the famous bas-reliefs first hand without leaving their seats, to inspect a marketplace selling goods from across the region and to watch as thousands of animated people and processions circulate around the complex. The reconstructed city enables teachers to draw students into an immersive, historically accurate world and then to use this as a starting point for further investigation.
The project has been awarded the American Historical Association’s Roy Rosenzweig Prize for Innovation in Digital History in 2019, the Digital Humanities and Multimedia Studies Prize from the Medieval Academy of America in 2021 and a Gold Medal from the QS-Wharton Reimagine Education Awards in 2021.



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