5 Chinese triad leaders blacklisted, 2 caught

发表时间:2022 年 11 月 8 日 17:36

泰国国家警察局副局长 Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn 周二表示,在泰国活动的五个主要中国三合会的负责人已被宣布为不受欢迎的人。


Pol Gen Surachate 说,警察局长 Damrongsak Kittiprapas 已永久禁止他们返回王国。黑名单有效地使他们成为不受欢迎的人。

Pol Gen Damrongsak 周二表示,总理 Prayut Chan-o-cha 已发布严厉指令,打击非法经营的娱乐场所、黑手党人物和非法枪支,无论犯罪者的国籍如何。


Po Gen Surachate 说,三合会分为五组,其中一组是芭堤雅的 Club One。中国俱乐部老板涉嫌毒品和洗钱,已被捕。


10 月 22 日凌晨,一个受欢迎的夜总会芭堤雅一号俱乐部遭到突袭。发现了一些毒品。大约 200 名外国和泰国客户在没有逮捕任何人的情况下从大楼里冲出。

周二,Pol Gen Surachate 表示,调查人员正在努力从五名三合会头目手中没收现金和资产,包括高端和豪华公寓,因为他们正在追踪嫌疑人各自的资金轨迹。


Pol Gen Surachate 承认,前按摩院大亨和政治家 Chuvit Kamolvisit 最近透露的有关五名三合会领导人的警方信息。

11 月 2 日,Chuvit 先生在社交媒体上发布了他对五个三合会的见解


第二个是由一个名叫“托尼”的中国人领导的。据称,他试图与泰国政界人士建立联系,并在 Covid-19 大流行期间达成国家采购协议。据报道,他拥有一家为中国顾客保留秘密入口的酒吧。



据 Chuvit 先生说,第五家酒吧由一位名叫 Ming 的酒吧老板经营,他脱离了 Yu Chang Fei 网络,在曼谷 Ratchadaphisek 地区拥有一家酒吧。

Pol Gen Surachate 说,调查人员在调查帮助这些团伙的泰国公民时,仍在将所有点联系起来。警方预计将在两到三周内进一步了解三合会的行动。


5 Chinese triad leaders blacklisted, 2 caught
PUBLISHED : 8 NOV 2022 AT 17:36

The heads of five major Chinese triads operating in Thailand have been declared persona non grata, deputy national police chief Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn said on Tuesday.

Two of them have been arrested, while the other three have fled the country on private jets.

Pol Gen Surachate said police chief Damrongsak Kittiprapas has placed a permanent ban on them returning to the kingdom. The blacklist effectively made them persona non grata.

Pol Gen Damrongsak said on Tuesday that Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha had issued a stern directive to crackdown on entertainment establishments which operate illegally, and on mafia figures and illegal firearms, regardless of the nationality of the offenders.

The police have conducted wide-sweeping stings which led to the arrest of many suspects, including the alleged triad leaders, for operating illegal entertainment venues and for alleged involvement in illicit drug networks.

Po Gen Surachate said the triads operate in five groups, one being Club One in Pattaya. The Chinese club owner was implicated in drugs and money laundering and has been arrested.

Police investigators were digging into financial transactions to learn more details.

A popular nightspot, Club One Pattaya was raided in the early hours of Oct 22. Some drugs were found. About 200 foreign and Thai customers stampeded from the building without an arrest being made.

On Tuesday, Pol Gen Surachate said investigators were working on seizing cash and assets inluding high-end and luxury apartments from the five triad leaders as they track the suspects’ respective money trails.

Police will ask Interpol to issue a Red Notice for the three leaders who had fled initially to neighbouring countries and possibly beyond, the deputy police chief said.

Pol Gen Surachate admitted the police information about the five triad leaders mirrored that divulged recently by Chuvit Kamolvisit, a former massage parlour tycoon and politician.

On Nov 2, Mr Chuvit posted on social media his insights into the five triads

The first was run by a Chinese national who converted to Thai citizenship and claimed to be acquainted with senior police officers, he said.

The second was headed by a Chinese national who goes by the name “Tony”. He allegedly tried to build connections with Thai politicians and land a deal for state procurements during the Covid-19 pandemic. He reportedly owns a pub with a secret entrance reserved for Chinese customers.

The third group is controlled by a Chinese man identified only as “David”, who operates a pub which doubles as a joint for drug abuse. The man has spent many years in Thailand and speaks fluent Thai.

The fourth is headed by Yu Chang Fei, a Chinese national who opened a large pub in Pattaya. He was nabbed by police as he tried to flee the country at a border checkpoint in the Northeast.

The fifth is run by a pub owner by the name of Ming, who broke away from the Yu Chang Fei network and owns a pub in the Ratchadaphisek area of Bangkok, according to Mr Chuvit.

Pol Gen Surachate said investigators were still connecting all the dots as they looked into Thai citizens who aided the gangs. Police expect to shed more light on the triads’ operations in two or three weeks.

He said the national police chief had been in contact with the Chinese ambassador, who pledged full cooperation in suppressing the triads’ operations.



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