Over 1.3 m IDPs in Myanmar need humanitarian assistance: OCHA Myanmar

There are more than 1.3 million internally displaced people in Myanmar and humanitarian assistances are needed, announced the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA Myanmar) on September 14.

It stated that the ongoing armed conflict between Tatmadaw, ethnic armed groups and their allied People’s Defense Forces (PDF) has resulted in displacement and humanitarian needs throughout Myanmar.

With the return of fighting between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) in Rakhine State, the security situation remains tense as explosions, arrests, searches and traffic restrictions continue in many townships, it said.

Similarly, the OCHA Myanmar said in a statement that it has learned from partner organizations and local media that airstrikes and heavy artillery fire have occurred in Eastern Bago Region in Southeast Myanmar, Tanintharyi Region, Southern Shan State and Kayin State.

It is known that there were civilian deaths and damage to civilian properties in Kayah State. The OCHA Myanmar stated that food shortages have occurred in the remote areas of the townships due to traffic restrictions in Dimawhso, Prusho and Shadaw townships since mid-July.

Local and international humanitarian organizations are meeting the emerging needs as much as possible, and during the first half of 2022, they were able to provide assistance to 3.1 million people. Efforts are being made to encourage and mobilize especially to visit the conflict areas and provide effective assistance, according to OCHA Myanmar.

According to the latest statistics of the United Nations (UN), the total number of internally displaced people in Myanmar has reached more than 1.3 million as of September 5, it said.



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