Preah Sihanouk Provincial Administration has revealed the details of a four-day operation from 18 to 21 September 2022 to inspect “Paw Yong Technology” in Sihanoukville on suspicion of incarceration, torture, human trafficking and illegal online gambling.
The Sihanoukville Provincial Administration said that during the four-day operation on the location in Village 4, Sangkat No. 4 Sihanoukville, a joint force led by the Provincial Unity Command found 184 illegal immigrants, 21 females with 3 nationalities, including 100 Chinese (2 females), 79 Vietnamese (18 females) and 5 Malaysians (1 female) who were referred to the Investigation and Enforcement Department of the General Department of Immigration for deportation from Cambodia.
In addition, 357 foreigners (49 females) were found to have worked without a work permit and were fined by the Department of Foreigners and Immigration
The Department of Labor collected a total of 211,240,000 Riels from fines and issuance of work permits.
According to the inspection, it is suspected that illegal currency trading and stock investment, restrictions on the use of foreign labor, restrictions on freedom of movement were occurring at the location
27 foreigners were questioned in connection with human trafficking and labor trafficking, trying to escape from the control of the authorities and the export of large amounts of illegal cash.
After the interrogation, foreigners with sufficient and legal travel documents were contracted, educated and allowed to leave the place, while foreigners who are illegal immigrants will be controlled by the competent authorities from the General Department of Immigration of the Ministry of Interior.



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